Botox Specialist

Lawrence Matt, MD
Dermatologist located in Los Angeles, CA
Botox is a popular treatment to eradicate lines and folds that can make us look older. Dr. Lawrence Matt is a skilled provider of Botox, helping Santa Monica, CA, area women and men look and feel younger and more refreshed.
Botox Q & A
How does Botox work?
Botox works by blocking the nerve responses that communicate between your brain and the muscles that cause folds and lines to form when your smile, frown or make other facial movements. These are called “dynamic wrinkles” because they occur as a result of facial movement rather than skin laxity. By blocking those messages, Botox prevents dynamic wrinkles and lines from forming and can help decrease the appearance of those lines over time.
Can Botox be used to treat all types of wrinkles?
Botox can only be used to treat dynamic wrinkles, wrinkles that form as a result of facial movement, like the wrinkles at the sides of your eyes or the folds between your brows.
Can Botox be used in conjunction with other treatments?
Yes; in fact, many patients choose Botox in conjunction with filler treatments to achieve a “mini-facelift” that can help them appear refreshed and less worn or tired. Botox can also be used with lasers to help skin appear smoother and younger and with some other treatments to achieve an overall refreshed appearance.
Does Botox treatment hurt?
Botox is injected with a very fine needle – much finer than those that deliver vaccinations. You will feel tiny “pinching” sensations from the injections, but most patients report the discomfort is very minor. Afterward, the treatment area may be a little swollen or red, but both effects resolve quickly.
When will I see the effects of my Botox treatment?
Most patients report seeing effects a day or two after treatment, and the effects will continue to develop and improve for several weeks.
How long will the effects last?
The duration of effects can vary from patient to patient, but on average, you can expect the results of your Botox treatment to last for about four months.
Major Insurance Providers Accepted
We accept most major insurance plans, as well as entertainment insurers, DGA (Director's Guild of America) and AFTRA Health Fund.
Click "view full list of companies" to see a list of just some of the plans we accept. Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance provider listed.