Skin Cancer Treatment Specialist

Lawrence Matt, MD -  - Dermatologist

Lawrence Matt, MD

Dermatologist located in Los Angeles, CA

In the U.S., about 5 million people are treated each year for skin cancer. Being screened is the best way to preserve your health. Dr. Lawrence Matt provides skin cancer treatment including regular screenings for men and women throughout the Santa Monica, CA, area. Call and schedule your evaluation today.

Skin Cancer Treatment Q & A

What types of skin cancer are there?

There are three common types of skin cancer:

  • Basal cell carcinoma, the most common form, accounts for about 80 percent to 85 percent of all skin cancers and affects the deepest layer of the skin.

  • Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for about 10 percent of all skin cancer cases and affects the skin cells in the middle layer of skin.

  • Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, accounting for about five percent of all cases but by far the greatest number of deaths.

What are the signs of skin cancer?

Skin cancers can occur in multiple sizes and shapes, and it can be very difficult to detect a cancer on your own. If you have any spot that changes size, shape or color, that has an uneven border or multiple colors, that itches or oozes, or otherwise looks suspicious in any way, call our office immediately to schedule an evaluation.

How often should I be screened for skin cancer?

The frequency varies from person to person, but most people benefit from an annual screening. Some people, especially those with prior skin cancer or precancerous lesions or those with significant sun exposure or very fair skin, may need more frequent screenings. Your dermatologist can provide you with a recommended screening schedule based on your needs.

There's no history of skin cancer in my family. Do I still need to be screened?

Yes. About 20 percent of people will develop skin cancer in their lifetimes. Even if your family has no history of skin cancer and even if you've always worn sunscreen, you should still have regular skin cancer screenings. Screenings are simple and noninvasive, and they're the number one way to detect skin cancers in their earliest and most treatable stages.

Major Insurance Providers Accepted

We accept most major insurance plans, as well as entertainment insurers, DGA (Director's Guild of America) and AFTRA Health Fund.

Click "view full list of companies" to see a list of just some of the plans we accept. Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance provider listed.

  Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield
Assurant Health
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida (Florida Blue)
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico
Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island
Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina